The Arizer V-Tower has been acclaimed as one of the most efficient “whip-style” vaporizers on the market today. The V-Tower is made by the company Arizer Tech in Canada with only the precision and only the highest quality parts. This unit features only the highest quality glass which delivers a rich flavorful vapor every time. The digital LCD display allows the user to vaporize at exactly the desired temperature with precise control. The Arizer V-Tower is beautifully designed with a midnight chrome finish. Along with the LCD display the V-Tower features an extra long whip for convenience sake, automatic shut off capability as well as the ability to be used for aromatherapy and essential oils. The Arizer V-Tower is an efficient sleek looking vaporizer that is super easy to use and heats up fast. This vaporizer is perfect for anyone looking for a high quality unit at a reasonable price.
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