ATA NRG UPGRADE 3KG - Agroponix: Online store for Growing, Gardening, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, Aeroponics, Holticulture, Fertilizers & more




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ATA NRG Upgrade is a fertiliser for the organic grower which is produced from rock phosphate and ingredients of plant origin. Upgrade is rich in organic nitrogen to support the growing plant. The organic nutrients in Upgrade are not readily available but rely on soil organisms for their release.This process ensures the long-term availability of nutrients whenever your plant requires them. In addition to these nutrients, Upgrade also contains Bacillus bacteria. These organisms colonise the root area and release the phosphorus present in the soil, making it available to your crop. In other words, a sustainable method to provide phosphorus to your plants. Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for the development of the root system and for plants in the bloom-phase.

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