HESI - POWER ZYME 5 L - Agroponix: Online store for Growing, Gardening, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, Aeroponics, Holticulture, Fertilizers & more




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Hesi PowerZyme – Enzyme extract for Plants!

Ensures a clean and oxygen-rich plant medium. Strengthens the plants and the roots. Improves the microflora and raises the resistance. he roots of a plant constantly renew their outer hull. Old cells are repelled and by new ones. The faster a root grows, the more old root material ends up in plant medium. Old plant parts mainly consist of cellulose. Only special micro-

organisms can demolish cellulose. They transfer cellulose into plant-active grape. The roots directly use the sugar for food. When a part of a plant (like a leaf a root) is no longer useful to the plant, it takes all the transportable content like out (thats why they turn yellow) and the celluloses is left behind. The then gets rid of the dead leaf or root. A plant renews its parts constantly. This why indigestible celluloses remains are left in the medium, which is being increasingly. In nature there are special micro-organisms, especially, which digest the plant fibres with the help of enzymes. PowerZyme is an extract made out of these specialized micro-organisms, and these enzymes in its pure form. The big advantage of pure enzymes is that

no quaint micro-organisms can disturb the healthy microflora. are enzymes? Enzymes are protein molecules, which catalyse the metabolism. every task there is a special species of enzymes. Enzymes have two vital:

1. They work 100% independently from cells, therefore they are also isolated in an extract.

2. They can repeat their task many times (working some days without stopping) until they are used up.

For this reason Hesi PowerZyme must be used regularly, to keep the plant medium an optimum condition. Rooting plant parts debilitate the oxygen levels, but with Hesi PowerZyme, oxygen content in the medium is always maximal.

Hesi PowerZyme is suitable for every plant medium in every stadium of the cycle.

Use: Add to the feeding water at least 1 time a week or regularly together with the nutrients and other boosters.

Dont spray.

Colour: Brown

Odour : Soapy

pH : Neutral

EC : Neutral

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