For all growing methods: hydroponics and soil An essential complement for all fertilizers Bio Essentials is a unique product: it is a comprehensive concentration of micro nutrients in a chelated form, plus essential sub micro particles and an organic buffer. It is used as a complement to the nutritive solution in soil and water culture, as well as in foliar spray. Micro and sub-micro nutrients are essential trace elements a plant needs, in conjunction with primary and secondary elements, for a comprehensive and harmonious diet. Some of them are required in such minute quantities (the sub-micros) that they are not included in most formulations. However, laboratory tests have demonstrated an important overall improvement in plant’s health and resistance to pests when those elements are added. All the elements included in Essentials are chelated : a chelated element is released to the plants only when it becomes less abundant in the nutritive solution.This way, the chelate not only maintains a stable level of the nutrient, but also it protects the plant from an unwanted accumulation of harmful salts.

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